Dr. Camillia Kong
Senior Researcher & Director of NeuroGenE Research Strategy, University of Oxford
Camillia Kong’s research uses philosophical and phenomenological approaches to explore issues around cultural and gendered conceptualisations of decision-making capacity, personhood, mental disorder, and disability. She is particularly interested in broader questions around the ethical justification of the early intervention / prevention framework of psychiatric genomics within the normative context of disability rights perspectives. Recent work has focused on the ethical agenda around psychiatric genomics as well as the philosophical issues around practical agency as applied to psychiatric practice, disability studies, and mental capacity law. She has written two books on mental capacity, Mental Capacity in Relationship: Decision-Making, Dialogue, and Autonomy (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and (with Alex Ruck Keene), Overcoming Challenges in the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Practical Guidance for Working with Complex Issues (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, forthcoming in 2018).
Camillia obtained her PhD from the London School of Economics and previously held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford.