Dr. Alexandra Almeida
Research Manager
Alexandra Almeida is the Neuroscience, Ethics and Society (NEUROSEC) Research Manager, based in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. Alexandra is responsible for managing two core projects led by Prof. Ilina Singh; Becoming Good: Early Intervention and Moral Development in Child Psychiatry (BeGOOD) and the Global Initiative in Neuropsychiatric GenEthics (NeuroGenE).
In the run-up to the Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit 2019, Alexandra co-led the Youth Campaign for the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development, alongside Dr. Gabriela Pavarini.
Alexandra enjoys managing projects, and has organised a number of seminars, symposiums, and science outreach events, in addition to fundraising campaigns for medical causes. Before undertaking her role as NEUROSEC Research Manager, Alexandra completed a PhD in Developmental Biology and was a Postdoctoral Research in Physiology at the University of Cambridge.